This article is the third in a series of articles about data structures.

A stack is a data collection that stores items inserted and removed following the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle.

How Does It Work?

We can use the analogy of washing dishes.

Adding to the Stack

The first dish comes into the kitchen and is placed on the counter. This is referred to pushing an item onto the stack and is executed when the push() function is called.


The second dish comes in and is placed onto the first dish:


And so on, and so on, and so on…


Removing From the Stack

Because the dishes are piled onto one another, you can’t access any of the dishes except for the one at the top. This is the item that is removed from the stack and returned when the pop() function is called.

Stated differently, the last item to be added to the stack, here, the number 6, is the first to leave.



There is usually also a peek() function that allows you to see what is at the top of the stack without removing it.



  • simple implementation as you can use most languages’ array/list data structures
  • efficient data access with $O(1)$
  • useful for certain algorithms that required backtracking


  • inflexible data access as you can only access the element at the top of the stack
  • limited capacity if implemented with a fixed size

Usage Examples

Code Examples